21st Century Atlas of the Moon
NEW! Atlas Praise
NEW! Atlas Corrections
Introducing a New Atlas of the Moon
Created by lunar scientist Charles Wood and amateur astronomer Maurice Collins
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter images
illustrate the near side in high resolution,
with special maps of the limb and farside,
plus LRO altimetry-based images of major
basins and their mare ridges
For more information see LPOD of Nov 18, 2012
Order Now The Atlas is now being distributed - and soon will be reprinted by - West Virginia University Press. The Chicago Distribution Center handles the actual sales. You can order in any of 5 ways:
1) Phone Chicago Distribution Center at (800) 621-2736.
2) Order online here: http://wvupressonline.com/wood_21st_century_moon_atlas_9781938228803
3) Phone CDC internationally at 001 (773) 702 7000.
4) Email orders to orders@press.uchicago.edu
5) Fax orders to (800) 621-8476
And to see why you will want this new Atlas, look at the sample pages below - widen your screen to see pages side by side - they way they appear in the Atlas. Each chart has a facing page illustrating interesting features of that area. Chart9text.jpgChart 9.jpg Sample basin mare ridge chart and limb chart. B2.jpgL2.jpg Contents.jpg Authors.jpg
Note: Pages shown here are slightly smaller than their 8.5" x 11" actual size.