October 26, 2019
Originally published June 14, 2010
image by Павел Пресняков (Pavel Presnyakov), Kiev Ukraine
Don't adjust your monitor, Pavel has created an animated gif from two of his excellent images of Copernicus, and their differences in libration cause rocking from side to side. There must be about the same change in latitudinal and longitudinal libration because the rocking is diagonal. If you feel this image may provoke sea-sickness, get your red-blue glasses and look at an anaglyph created by Yuri Goryachko.
Chuck Wood
Technical Details
06.01.2009 18:08 UT and 25.03.2010 18:19 UT.
350 mm newtonian + barlow 5x Vac-135, b/w 1280x1024 250 frames from 8000 in AviStack
Related Links
Rükl plate 31
Pavel's new website
Yesterday's LPOD: Capelling Gash
Tomorrow's LPOD: Look Now, Before It Gets Smaller
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