March 5, 2006

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Two by Grego

Grego booksbooks by Peter Grego

Who is the most prolific author of Moon books? For the last 50 years it would be Patrick Moore, but recently it is Peter Grego, who published the handy Moon Observer’s Guide (MOG) in 2004, and The Moon and How to Observe It (MHOI) and Observer’s Map of the Moon (OMM) in 2005. The wonderful thing about these books is they are full of useful advice for observers. Lets cover OMM first. It is spiral bound with 16 maps, very similar to those in Hatfield Photographic Lunar Atlas except on a pale green background made from an out of focus full Moon image. This helps distinguish highland from mare areas but doesn’t add info in the highlands. These maps – without the green color – are also published in MHOI. What is the difference between the two books? MOG is 192 small pages and describes the Moon day by day through the lunation. MHOI is 274 larger pages that describe the Moon according the 16 sections shown on the cover of OMM. MHOI provides a little more info about each lunar feature and more photos and drawings of them. MHOI corrects some of the errors in the earlier book and is for more serious observers. If you want a book to give to someone to encourage interest in the Moon make it MOG; if you read LPOD and want a more comprehensive guide, buy yourself MHOI.

Related Links:
Peter’s webpage
OMM (and many other interesting lunar references) can be purchased directly from Peter at his eBay store.

Yesterday's LPOD: Twin Peaks

Tomorrow's LPOD: A Forgotten Corner


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