June 25, 2024

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Originally published March 9, 2014 LPOD-Mar9-14.jpg
image by Sally Russell, England

Mars has a face, but the best the Moon can offer is an X. The face is nothing other than an accident of topography and lighting, and that is the same for the X. There is no geologic import to the X, it is just the close approach of three craters' rims, and yet it is a pleasure to unexpectedly see it, as Sally did. I never plan my looking at the Moon; with the restrictions I have due to houses, trees, clouds and coldness, I take whatever I can get, so am surprised and delighted every time.

Chuck Wood

Technical Details
2014 March 08, 21:42-22:20UT. 105mm F5.8 refractor, 3.5mm eyepiece (x173). Seeing: Antoniadi III. Slight haze, calm, 5°C. White pastel on black paper, sketch size 13cm x 18cm.

Related Links
21st Century Atlas chart 13.

Yesterday's LPOD: Four with One Shot

Tomorrow's LPOD: Cosmos & the Moon


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