June 21, 2006

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No Need to Draw

Image by Wes Higgins

Krieger, the crater in the middle of this extraordinary image, is named for an early 20th century amateur astronomer who drew details he observed visually on to photographs. If Krieger had had photographs like this he would have been out of business, for these imaged details are finer than can be observed on all but the most rare occurances. The bottom half of the image is full of rilles, named after the craters Prinz (bottom right) and Aristarchus (beyond the bottom left). In addition to the rilles (I count 15) there is a dome (with a central pit?) to the far left of Krieger that is not identified on Bredan Shaw’s GRL dome map. Surprisingly, the amorphous swell between the pitted dome and Krieger is shown on the dome map.

Chuck Wood

Technical Details:
06/07/06. 18″ Reflector, Infinity 2-1M camera, 20fps, MAP processing, stack of 182 frames. The Moon was only 35 degrees in altitude.

Related Links:
Rükl plates 18 & 19
Wes’ website
Bruno Daversin’s similar image

Yesterday's LPOD: Little Magazines

Tomorrow's LPOD: Polar Solar Power Tower


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