June 15, 2007

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Get Out Your Red-Blue Glasses Again

images by Yuri Goryachko & Konstantin Morozov. Minsk, Belarus

There was so much interest in the stereo images provided by Yuri and Konstantin three days ago that LPOD presents another of their efforts, this time of the Crisium region. Since many of you can see this in stereo, and I see only a purple blur, I invite descriptions of it in the comments area below. Thanks!

Chuck Wood

Technical Details:
28 March 2007 and 26 May 2007. Telescope Meniscas (180/1800mm), Unibrain Fire-i 440 CMOS camera (IEEE-1394, 640×480 pixels, 30fps). Registax4, stitching in PTGui, finishing in Photoshop CS2.

Related Links:
Rükl charts 26, 27, 37 & 38

Yesterday's LPOD: Something for Everyone

Tomorrow's LPOD: Small Northern Gash


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