July 27, 2024

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Originally published April 10, 2014 LPOD-Apr10-14.jpg
image by Jordi Delpeix Borrell, Barcelona, Spain.

What always amazes me about lunar craters, is the limited extent to which many deform the surrounding moonscape. I mean, there is a lot of energy expended during the impact, but rock must be pretty tough and hard to deform even at Gigapascal overpressures. Aristoteles is a pretty large crater, yet the only deformation around it is some ejecta flow on the mare. Most of the energy seemed to stay within the crater walls with the terracing. The floor looks slightly flooded by mare lava from Mare Frigoris too as the central peaks are mostly submerged.

Maurice Collins

Technical Details
September/24/2013. C9,25" + Barlow 2X + DSLR Canon EOS 550D. Processed with Registax6 from l'Ametlla del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain

Related Links
21st Century Atlas chart 10.

Yesterday's LPOD: Sailing Across the Moon

Tomorrow's LPOD: McMoon Special


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