July 22, 2024

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From Sea To Shining Sea

Originally published April 5, 2014 LPOD-Apr5-14.jpg
image by Manolo Rodriguez, Seville, Spain

This excellent image is from Manolo Rodriguez who writes: "The picture shows the progress of the terminator on the seas of the lunar east. It is an area which by its vastness and great desolation invites a visual overflight tour."

I like this image as it shows the terminator just running through the east of a line of Maria from Frigoris in the north to Nectaris in the south showing some of the wrinkle ridges (mare ridges), rilles and small craters that show up at these low sun angles. Magnificent Desolation as Buzz Aldrin so aptly described the Moon.

Maurice Collins

P.S. LPOD contributors, please email me your images as Chuck mentioned yesterday. I will definitely try to feature as many of those I receive as I can!

Technical Details
Image mosaic of two pictures (20 +20 ISO400 exposures and 1/50seg), reprocesed, more saturation for enhance details, taken with Celestron C8 telescope, Televue Powermate x2, and Canon 650D camera, no tracking.

Location in El Pedroso, Seville, Spain.

Date: August 24, 2013, 23:15 UT.

Processed with Registax 6, Fitswork and PS CS5.
Related Links

21st Century Atlas charts 6 to 13.

Yesterday's LPOD: An Unfamiliar Earth View

Tomorrow's LPOD: And Yet It Moves


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