January 16, 2013

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More Than Crescent

image by Philippe Tosi, Nîmes, France

I love high dynamic range images that preserve and enhance contrast across all parts of an image. Such images are attractive because they are close to reality but extravagantly enhanced, looking better than reality. On those times, none recently, when I don't have clouds and can observe the crescent phases I scan the terminator to see what is revealed by shadow magnification. Then I move away from the terminator, looking at craters whose details are highlighted by 20-30° illumination. Next I sweep along the limb, looking at albedo variations of the maria there - Australe, Smythii, Marginis and Humboldtianum. With crescents like this I then place the solar-illuminated part of the Moon just outside the eyepiece view and look for variations in brightness due to rays and bright crater rims. This is the same view as during full Moon, just fainter, but somehow it becomes more special when seen with reflected Earth light.

Chuck Wood

Technical Details
Jan 14, 2013. Canon eos 5DMII 800 iso + self made newton 410 mm F/5.6; fusion by PHOTOMATIX 4.2 PRO developped by HDRsoft (natural fusion) of 5 exposures: 1/2500; 1/500; 1/60; 1/5; 0.6; 1.6 sec.

Yesterday's LPOD: Another Boxing Day

Tomorrow's LPOD: Looking Backward


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