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Seeing the Moon Makes Any Day Special

Originally published January 23, 2014 LPOD-Jan23-14.jpg
image by Göran Strand, Frösön, Sweden

This morning I went out to watch the Moon set behind the mountains. It was a beautiful cold winter morning and the Sun was just about to rise. It was a bit cloudy down by the horizon, so this shot was the last one where the Moon was clearly visible, later it vanished into the distant clouds.

Göran Strand

Technical Details
2014-01-21, 08:05:00 (UT). Nikon D800E + 600mm/f4; 4 x 1/750 sec. ISO 1000. The image is a mosaic of four exposures.

Related Links
Göran's twitter feed, website, and blog (Beautiful images!)

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