February 4, 2013
Where We Have Been
image by Praet Marnix, Belgium
Earthlings landed at six locations on the Moon, and sent intelligent spacecraft
to a number of other locations. Praet has made this image as a poster to reflect
this exploration history. Not all of the Luna, Surveyor and a few other spacecraft
are included, and one of the indicated landing sites is slightly mislocated. But
this chart serves to show how little of the lunar surface has been looked at on
the ground, and of course, all of these landings have been only on the nearside.
Contrast this with the first fifty years after Columbus' landing in the New World.
There were many dozens of missions to the Americas with thousands of people
visiting hundreds of locations. Trips were longer, and foot traverses (no rovers)
covered thousands of miles. People stayed, built habitats, and reproduced. A new
society began. Meanwhile back on the Moon...
Chuck Wood
Technical Details
12" newtonian + NEQ6 mount + DMK21 + IR pro filter in bad seeing conditions. LRGB mosaic made from 40X4 pictures stitching together with Registax
Related Links
Praet's astroimaging pages
Yesterday's LPOD: Revisiting Familiar Ground
Tomorrow's LPOD: Plumy Ash
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