December 31, 2013

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Not Enough Craters On the Moon

image by Claude Navarro

Since Galileo, many observers of the Moon have named hundreds of craters. I am afraid there are not enough craters for new names, and this is particularly unfortunate for future astronomers. So I decided to solve this problem by going to the Moon (by the mean of my mind) and starting a new project: lunar selenoforming. On this image, you can see me digging a hole near Pythagoras. If we follow this project through, we can hope to have new surprises every lunation.

Claude Navarro

Technical Details
2011/ October/21. C14 + Basler 1300 cam + IR filter

Related Links
21st Century Atlas chart 20.

Yesterday's LPOD: The Passing of the Old

Tomorrow's LPOD: Year 11 Begins


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