August 19, 2020

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Selenian Smile

Originally published March 8, 2011 LPOD-Mar8-11.jpg
image by Peter Rosén, Stockholm, Sweden

The young Moon has a miniscule surface area, but brings an unfailing delight. Here is Peter's report:
Yesterday on the 6th of March I had the opportunity to photograph the 1.9-2.0 day old crescent Moon, looking like a big smile in the sky. This was the first time I was able to observe and photograph the surface features of such a tiny phase. And it was no easy task as the trembling Moon was moving from 6° to only 2° altitude and then disappeared in the mist. Except for crater Humboldt almost in the center of the picture, it is not easy to identify the features because they are both squeezed by the perspective and the long and deep shadows. It is certainly easier at the opposite phase one or two days after full moon.

Peter Rosén

Technical Details
March 6, 2011. 17:55 to 18:30 UT. William Optics FLT110 f/6.5 + DMK-41AF02 astrocamera + Televue Powermate 2.5. Mosaic of 14 pictures, each being a stack of approximately 400 frames, with Astro IIDC for capture and stacking + Photoshop CS4 for stitching the mosaic.

Yesterday's LPOD: Rillee Difficult

Tomorrow's LPOD: Dome Closeup


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