April 4, 2004

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Conjunctions Galore!


Image Credit: Jay Brausch

Conjunctions Galore!

Do you ever just go out and enjoy the sky? During the last few nights of March there was a lot to enjoy after sunset. Each night the Moon moved up from planet to planet. First it was a thin crescent near Mercury, then - this night ,March 25th, a thicker one near Mars and the Pleiades - and on pass Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. What wondrous sights. No need for more words.

Chuck Wood

Technical Details:

Mars & the Moon on the evening of March 25. One was deliberately overexposed (4 secs) to bring out

the nearby Pleiades star cluster.

Related Links:
The Moon in March

Yesterday's LPOD: Mercy, Mersenius!

Tomorrow's LPOD: Three Cheers for Three As!

Author & Editor:
Charles A. Wood



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