April 21, 2010

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Every One a Winner

image by Ricardo Tolentino, Vaz Tolentino Balcony Observatory, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

They say that clothes make the man. For lunar images, it's lighting. As soon as I saw Ricardo's image I wondered what the crater was just to the right of Manilius in the center of the frame. It is a little smaller and covered with something, presumably basin ejecta from Imbrium. It is completely invisible on some images, but it exists. The existence of the crater isn't especially important but its easy detection on this very normal view demonstrates that there is something to see fresh in every image.

Chuck Wood

Technical Details
02/05/2010, 04h26m Local Time. SkyWatcher 12" DOB + ORION StarShoot Solar System Color Imager II + Celestron Ultima 2 X Barlow, just one frame; (Lat: 19o 55' 40.6" / Long: 043o 55' 04.2").

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