Image by Anthony Ayiomamitis
Anthony Ayiomamitis is the most methodically persistent astronomical imager today. He has created more analemma images that everyone else combined. He has captured the first (?) images ever of an aurora over Greece, and he has dramatically linked classic Greek architecture with the Moon. And now, after five years of effort he has captured a pair of images of ISS crossing both the Sun and Moon. He writes: Although the (rising) moon was slightly over 20 degrees in altitude, I have managed to capture a series of nine frames of the transitting ISS with Progress leading the way. The latter was not visible due to poor seeing thanks to the moon’s very low altitude. The ISS was approximately 723 km overhead when it crossed the moon (right to left) virtually horizontally for 0.85 seconds. Another challenged completed for Anthony; so now there are only two questions: What rare and challenging astro image will he delight us with next? And the second question: When will we see an image of a lunar orbiting spacecraft passing in front of Earth?
Technical Details:
April 14/2006, 23:57:00-23:58:00 UT+3. AP 160/f7.5 EDF refractor; Philips ToUCam Pro 740k webcam; 30 fps @ 1/500″; selective sampling, layers, unsharp masking and JPG compression in Photoshop CS2. For more details click here
Related Links:
Anthony’s homepage
Yesterday's LPOD: Awesome Image
Tomorrow's LPOD: Hip, Hip, Hooray for Hippalus
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