widget by Mark Crossley
A widget is a small program that displays timely information of almost any type. There are widgets for weather info, stock prices, the temperature of your computer’s CPU, the cheapest gas in your zip code, and now … for LPOD! Mark Crossley has created the LPOD widget so that he - or anyone else - can be reminded to check out the day’s LPOD. If you like the image or text you can double click it and go directly to the LPOD homepage for the full view (and a chance to click a supporting ad). Here are the steps necessary to use this widget. First download the Yahoo widget player (called an engine). Then download Mark’s LPOD widget. Next place the LPOD.widget icon in your newly installed Yahoo widget folder and then click on the LPOD.widget icon. After the widget appears, hold the cursor over the widget window showing the LPOD image, and the yellow text will pop up. Pretty neat! You can also add an Astronomy Picture of the Day widget.
Technical Details:
See yesterday’s LPOD for the details for the photo in the widget!
Related Links:
Rükl plate 71 & 72.
Mark’s astro homepage
Yesterday's LPOD: Four in a Row
Tomorrow's LPOD: Atlas Alone
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