April 12, 2013

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image by Tamás Ábrahám, Zsámbék, Hungary

Some LPOD images are so full of detail that we need to savor them for days. In order to give time for that today's LPOD has little detail but is chock full of evocative content. The thin crescent in the evening sky is both restful and a reason to be optimistic. Seeing it means that the sky is at least partially clear, and the thin shape means that the Moon will grow more and more observable for the next few weeks - what else could you want?

Chuck Wood

Technical Details
April 11, 2013. Canon EOS 400D, Pentacon 4/200 telephoto lens.

Related Links
Tamás' website

Yesterday's LPOD: Picture of the Year

Tomorrow's LPOD: The Dark Side of the Moon


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