May 25, 2012

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Unequal Twins

image by " rel="nofollow Peter Rosén, Stockholm, Sweden

Tonight the Moon and Venus were roughly at the same altitude and 13° apart in the sky looking almost like indistinguishable twins (just as Danny deVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger " rel="nofollow do about 2 minutes into the clip). One of these worlds is heading towards the Sun and the other just finished a remarkable transit (invisible from Sweden though). Venus was very easy to find visually with binoculars in the twilight while the moon was much harder as it faded into the background.

" rel="nofollow Peter Rosén

Technical Details
May 23, 2012. Venus was shot with a DMK41AF02 camera on a WO 110 FLT f/6,5 and a 2.5 x Televue Powermate at 20h05 UT and the moon was shot at 20h20 UT but without the Powermate. I let Venus remain 2.5x bigger to emphasize the similarity of their phases.