January 12, 2011
The Moon is Dead
image by Tamás Ábrahám, Zsámbék, Hungary
Its time for my ever so often lament on the dearth of remarkable lunar images. The stormy weather in the US and Europe, floods in eastern Australia, and the lack of image releases by LRO all result in few new views of the Moon being available. The Chang'e-1 and Chandrayaan-1 websites have no new images - those missions have been as secretive with their data as SMART-1; a mission that could be considered a failure based on the limited numbers of press releases. Maybe it is a jinx to place a "-1" at the end of a lunar mission name. Perhaps Apollo was successful because the lunar missions started with 8, not 1 (which was an on-ground disaster). LRO did have a new Chuck Wood
Technical Details
January 9, 2011
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Tamás' website
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