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=Sea of Dryness=
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["javascript:;" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('main_image','','images/LPOD-2004-02-18b.jpeg',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"
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<td><div align="center"><p>Image Credit:  [mailto:gmengoli@libero.it Giorgio Mengoli]</p></div></td>
<table class="story" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="90%" cellpadding="10" align="center"><tr><td>
<p class="story" align="center"><b>Sea of Dryness</b></p>
<p class="story" align="left">The classical names for the lunar dark areas were all nautical, but all were dreadful misnomers since the Moon
has always lacked seas and oceans. So today, we will examine the Sea of Dryness rather than Mare Humorum, the Sea
of Moisture. Regional views, such as this superb image by Giorgio Mengoli, are invaluable for understanding an
entire structural portion of the Moon. Many of the details visible here relate to the impact basin structure of
the Humorum basin. The mare itself partially fills the basin depression with an estimated 3 km thickness of lava.
The rim of the basin is most clearly visible in a partial arc running from SW of
["../01/LPOD-2004-01-15.htm" Gassendi] south towards Liebig. Basinward of this arc is a scarp, reaching
almost to Doppelmayer, that marks where the basin center dropped downward. Some of these fractures apparently
allowed gas-rich magma to reach the surface making the dark-hued pyroclastic deposit and source rille west of
Doppelmayer. The wrinkle ridges along the eastern edges of the mare mark an inner basin ring, and the famous
["../01/LPOD-2004-01-26.htm" rilles] that cut Hippalus show where the  weight of the mare lavas bent and
fractured the edge terrain. And there are many more stories in this image, but we will wait for future LPODs!
Click image above to see nomenclature.  </p>
<p><b>Technical Details:</b><br>
Takahashi cassegrain Mewlon 210 - 8&quot; F/11.5 - 2415mm and HX516 ccd color 5300K.</p>
<p class="story"><b>Related Links:</b><br>
[http://digilander.libero.it/gm2/home.htm High Resolution CCD Images ]</p>
<p class="story"> <b>Tomorrow's LPOD:</b> Max Goes to the Moon</p>
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<p align="center" class="main_titles"><b>Author & Editor:</b><br>
[mailto:tychocrater@yahoo.com Charles A. Wood]</p>
<p align="center" class="main_titles"><b>Technical Consultant:</b><br>
[mailto:anthony@perseus.gr Anthony Ayiomamitis]</p>
<p align="center" class="main_titles"><b>A service of:</b><br>
[http://www.observingthesky.org/ ObservingTheSky.Org]</p>
<p align="center" class="main_titles"><b>Visit these other PODs:</b> <br>
[http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html Astronomy] | [http://www.msss.com/ Mars] | [http://epod.usra.edu/ Earth]</p></td>
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Revision as of 16:01, 18 January 2015