March 19, 2004
Image Credit: Bill Dembowski |
Selenology The Moon attracts more observers than any other celestial body. I just made that up, but it may be true. Certainly, the Moon has attracted organized efforts to coordinate observations since the 1860s, and the British Astronomical Association's Lunar Section was formed in 1891. The first thing like-minded folks do is publish a newsletter, and the BAA Lunar Section Reports and later their Bulletin, The Moon, include many historically interesting drawings and observations. In the USA, the American Lunar Society (ALS) has promoted amateur study of the Moon for the last 23 years. The latest issue of its journal, Selenology, has just appeared with 24 pages of drawings, images and reports. One of its major articles concerns the topography of the rim of Plato and includes new heights determinations from shadow measurements. Bill Dembowski is the energetic President of ALS and editor of Selenology, as well as The Lunar Observer and The Impact Ray Observer. These efforts provide many opportunities for observers to participate in coordinated observations and to share their findings. Technical Details: Related Links: Yesterday's LPOD: Bull's Eye! Tomorrow's LPOD: An Unusual View of a Lunar Limb |
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