December 9, 2007

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Mystery Moon

Hint: the image area is shown here

This image is the most difficult to identify that LPOD has ever published. I won’t spoil your fun in trying to recognize it by saying where it is, who took it, or when - all of that will come out tomorrow, but I will say that its on the Earth-facing side, north is approximately to the upper right and the distance from the left to the right is about 300 km. Six named features are completely shown and two others are partly visible, plus there is a bit of mare lava. If you think you know where on the Moon this is, please send me an email and say where it is and how you identified it. Tomorrow’s LPOD will describe the scene and include the names of lunar experts who correctly identified it. In the mean time enjoy the investigation to identify this wonderful and mysterious image. And as is usual for LPOD contests, the winner gets a free subscription to LPOD!

Chuck Wood

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Related Links:
Rükl chart ?

Yesterday's LPOD: The Whole Pole

Tomorrow's LPOD: Mystery Solved!


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