December 9, 2009
Corona & Halo
images by Stefano De Rosa
On September 4, Friday night we were driving from Italy to Cote d' Azur in France for a relaxing weekend, when my kids almost simultaneously yelled from the backseat, "Look daddy, there is a rainbow around the moon, let's take a picture of it!" Of course, I had no alternatives (as also my wife was promoting the children’s request): I stopped the car, mounted my digital camera on the tripod and took some long exposure pictures of the colourful lunar corona. Incredibly, when we came back to Turin on Sunday night, another striking view was waiting for us just over our house: a jaw-dropping Moon halo! Even if quite tired from the long trip, we were very happy (and lucky...) to have had two eyecandies from the Moon in two different countries in the space of just two days!
Stefano De Rosa
Technical Details
Lunar corona: Canon Eos 1000d; Exp: 8 sec.; F/5.6; ISO 100; Focal lenght 55 mm.
Moon halo: Canon Eos 1000d; Exp: 30 sec.; F/3.5; ISO 100; Focal lenght 18 mm.
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