July 9, 2011

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No Gripes, a Good 'un


drawing by Dale Holt

A sketch made between rain showers last night. For this sketch I grabbed a brief moment between heavy showers within minutes of the Moon about to drop below the roof line of my house, put the120N+ video camera into the 6" refractor diagonal, got the Moon onto the monitor, focused, defined region for sketching, hit the single frame freeze button, parked the scope closed off the roof, poured out a glass of wine and sketched the Moon off of the monitor ;¬)

Hope it bears some resemblance to Agrippa & Godin?

Dale Holt

Technical Details
July 7th 2011 at 21.45ut. 153mm triplet refractor, Watec 120N+ video camera from the screen image.

Related Links
Rükl plate 34
Dale's Chipendale Observatory website and blog

Yesterday's LPOD: No Room for Strikes

Tomorrow's LPOD: A Rounded Landscape