October 17, 2010

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image by HD-TV on Kaguya, NHK

The Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) has just made a major release of high resolution videos and still images from their HD-TV camera on the Kaguya/Selene lunar orbiter. The locations of some stills from the videos are indicated on Clementine mosaics of the near side and the far side using delightful pulsating blue circles. Clicking one on the northern hemisphere farside brings up this magnificent image of one of the youngest large craters on the Moon - Jackson. This crater is famous for its asymmetric pattern or rays with a broad zone of avoidance to the northwest. It was formed by an oblique impact which came from the northwest, and this image shows that the inner rim on the southeast side is broader than normal, and apparently cut by some sort of unusual cracks. The Clementine high Sun view reveals a dark collar, like Tycho, of impact melt, that indicates a very young age. The floor of Jackson has ponds of smooth material - almost certainly impact melts. This TV image is by far the best image in existence of Jackson and it reveals many previously unknown details. Yahoo!

Chuck Wood

Related Links
Clementine Atlas of the Moon plate 51 (or IAU/USGS LAC 51)

Note: I just came home from the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner that Democrats hold to hold honor two early Democratic Presidents and to fire up folks for the upcoming election. There is no lunar crater named Jefferson, so here is a Jackson - not Andrew, but John, a Scottish astronomer. This is a classic LPOD from May 9, 2008.

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