December 14, 2011
Sorting Out the Rays
image by " rel="nofollow Philippe Tosi, Pic du Midi observatory, France
High Dynamic Range (HDR) " rel="nofollow softwarecombines multiple exposure images to highlight detail across the whole brightness range. Here Philippe applies it to a full Moon view of Tycho and its dark collar. This technique appears to bring out the individual raylets that often get visually fused into a confusing bright nexus. And it shows darker materials underlying the rays on the right side of the image. HDR imaging may be a new approach to detail mapping and ultimately characterizing and classifying lunar ray systems.
" rel="nofollow Chuck Wood
Technical Details
October, 2011. C.14 with Skynyx 2.1 M + IR filter 742nm. HDR Soft Photomatix 4 developped by HDRsoft Society, fusion of 3 expositions 0.08; 0.16 and 0.32 sec.
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