December 16, 2010

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One Bird's Foot

south up image by " rel="nofollow Павел Пресняков, Kiev

Although we now have a fabulous LRO WAC [/September+14%2C+2010 image] of Wargentin, there is still much to appreciate in a terrific Earth-based view. Pavel Presnyakov has wonderfully captured Wargentin just near the terminator, showing its long triangular shadow pointing to the night side - reminiscent of Mauna Loa's " rel="nofollow shadow. All of the main features seen on the WAC are visible here, including the famous bird's foot pattern of mare ridges. The slight welling noticed at the south end of the floor on the WAC image is confirmed here - this appears to be a very gentle dome. A similar feature occurs at the south end of the ridge crossing, but the WAC view suggests that is slightly elevated but not dome-shaped. Someday a low Sun, opposite lighting WAC view will be available to see more of the south floor feature.

" rel="nofollow Chuck Wood

Technical Details
10.11.2008 20:13 UT. Newtonian 350мм, VAC-135, barlow 3x. 480 frames in AviStack

Related Links
Rükl plate 70
Pavel's new " rel="nofollow gallery including the larger mosaic that today's LPOD was snipped from.

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