January 17, 2010
Eclipse From the Moon
image by " rel="nofollow Danny Caes, Belgium
This drawing shows a total solar eclipse (by Earth) as it should be observed from a region near the moon's limb. The Earth's silhouetted orb is "touching" the moon's horizon, and the refracted light of the sun is seen as three bright elongated (and curved) dots. All around the circle of Earth's atmosphere one could see bright and not-so-bright spots of refracted sunlight. The moon's surface is typically red-colored, and a contrasting bluish-colored planet Venus is noticeable above Earth's red-colored ring.
This drawing was made on a piece of red paper. The black space was "painted" with black marker. The bright spots of refracted sunlight with white and yellow marker. The lunar surface with common grey pencil. To add much more contrast in the scan of this drawing, I enhanced the blackness of space (and the shadowed parts of the craters) via the PAINT-program.
" rel="nofollow Danny Caes
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