March 26, 2011

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LRO Catches Up with Pau

large image at 200% by " rel="nofollow K.C. Paul, Hong Kong, and LRO inset from LRO nearside " rel="nofollow mosaic.

Perhaps this strange ridge-to-ridge rille west of the Straight Range looks familiar. I first noticed
a piece of it on Alan Friedman's [/January+15%2C+2008 LPOD] and them [/January+17%2C+2008 traced] it on Lunar Orbiter IV images. KC's new
image is the best depiction I've seen of the rille in telescopic imagery - it compares very favorably
with the LRO WAC view (inset), including its extent beyond the southern-most ridge. The odd
shallow crater near bottom center of KC's image has been discussed [/January+27%2C+2011 recently], with the end of the
rille above noted as possibly continuing as an uncollapsed lava tube. As I stare at KC's image I
begin to see at the edge of interpretability possible broad sinuous bends that could be the rille
continuing south of the shallow crater. But there is no hint of them in the LRO view. I remind myself
of the over-interpretation of photographic grain as real features on the Moon by Krieger in the early
1900s and quietly slink off to bed.

" rel="nofollow Chuck Wood

Technical Details
March 14, 2011 at 11h58m UT. 10" reflector + 2.5X barlow + DMK camera

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Rükl plate 11