November 15, 2006

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A Sadly Missed Meeting

photos provided by David Perez-Suarez and John McFarland, Armagh, Northern Ireland

The discovery of lunar drawings made by Evelyn M. Whitehead in the archives of the Armagh Observatory led John McFarland (of the Observatory) to find that the sketches had been published in a 1912 Boletin de la Sociedad de Barcelona. John has borrowed a copy of this ancient Boletin which documents what must have been a major exposition that seems to have disappeared from the history of lunar studies. The Exposicion General de Estudios Lunares was held in 1912 in the magnificent Paraninfo assembly hall of the University of Barcelona and included drawings, photographs and articles from leading astronomers and amateurs of the day. Oh, I would love to be transported back 94 years and walk among these glorious drawings by Galileo, Fontana, Scheiner, Grimaldi, Hevelius, Cherubin de Orleans, Cassini, G.C. Eimmart, Sacco, Tobias Meyer, Schroeter, Russell, Beer & Madler, Stuyvaert, Renart, Scriven Bolton, Schmidt, Nielson, Molesworth, Hall, Maclear, Wadsworth, Maw, Goodacre, Rudaux, Flammarion, Jerry-Desloges, Fournier, Crouzel and Zlatinsky! The sadness is that many of these names are totally unknown to me. Sigh.

Chuck Wood

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