October 15, 2013
A Wonderful Corona
image by " rel="nofollow Guillaume Cannat, Prades-le-lez, south of France
Here's a recent picture that I took. It was the brightest Moon corona I've ever seen! I made a mosaic with 3 images to make them as precisely as possible what I observed: one for the center, another for the first ring and third for the rest. I did not increase the intensity of the colors that were perfectly visible to the naked eye throughout the cloud.
" rel="nofollow Guillaume Cannat
This is a repeat of a colorful LPOD from Nov23, 2010
Technical Details
Nov. 18, 2010. Nikon D700, 200 ISO, Zeiss 100 mm Makro-planar f/D:2, 1/10, 1/5 and 1/3 exposures.