October 14, 2011

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Moiré Eye

image by Jean Luc DAUVERGNE, Philippe TOSI and Elie ROUSSET, IMCCE/SP2/Obs MIDI Pyrénées

Another amateur image with the 33" Pic du Midi astounds with its orbiter-like resolution. The obvious star of the image is Aristarchus, with hair-like strands of bright rays draped over the walls and extending out toward Herodotus. The right angle crossing of these wall strands with terraces creates almost a moiré pattern on the left wall. The floor of impact melt and bouldery debris are clearly visible. Also easily seen are the Aristarchus Rilles - lava channels - and the narrow inner rille of Schröter's Valley. Even the very small rille just left of Herodotus is shown. Anyone else with a 33" aperture (not focal length) telescope - please send in your photos! (And I also welcome images from folks with smaller scopes).

Chuck Wood

Technical Details
1 meter telescope F/17.

Related Links
Rükl plate 18

Yesterday's LPOD: Super Ghost Crater?

Tomorrow's LPOD: Orangester


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