February 18, 2025
Blocks of Rocks
Originally published August 21, 2014
image by Daniel Chang, Hong Kong Sai Kung
This high contrast view of Imbrium Basin ejecta left me marveling at the apparent consistency of size of these chunks of lunar crust. Each is a small mountain about 2 to 10 km wide. They look pristine, because they aren't smoothed over with pasty material as is the ejecta from the Apennines towards Godin and Agrippa. I don't see any quantized debris like this anywhere around Orientale - it all looks more like the Apennines. I wonder what the specialized circumstances were that produced this unusual deposit?
Chuck Wood
Technical Details
2014/08/16 20:21 UT. SCT c9.25 (235mm) f/10+3x = f/30 7050mm + ASI120MM-S 1280 x 960; Stacked : 500 frames x 1
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