November 10, 2014

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Model Mania

image from Howard Fink's Etsy store

Other than a telescope and an occasional lunar globe or book, there is not much for a lunar observer to spend money on. Howard Fink wants to help fill that void, especially now when spouses and friends are beginning to think of holiday gifts for the odd person who has such weird interests (that would be you, LPOD reader). Howard continues to make ever better three-dimensional models of the lunar surface using LRO altimetry. This is a model I actually wished for when reviewing his earlier work - a view of nearly the entire Nectaris impact basin, with the Altai Scarp part of the rim continuing eastward past Piccolomini through the jumble east of the Pyrenees Mountains to the rim segments arcing, with a little imagination and faith in circles, across the top edge of the model. Holding the 12" x 18" framed model up in sunlight and tilting it back and forth I can see narrow or long shadows define this outer rim and two inner ones. Its fun.

Chuck Wood

Related Links
21st Century Atlas chart 6.
A previous LPOD about this Nectaris model - its seems to be my favorite.

Yesterday's LPOD: Return View

Tomorrow's LPOD: En Garde


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