February 11, 2025
A Lunar Where's Waldo
Originally published August 14, 2014
south up image by Jordi Delpeix Borrell, l'Ametlla del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain
This is a good image that I specifically made small so that you can see all of it and then answer this question: What feature is out of place, what is odd about it? Just to give you time to look and consider, rather than reading my thoughts, my response in on another page - click here when you are ready.
Chuck Wood
Technical Details
April/06/2014. C9,25" + Barlow 2x + ASI 120MM + Red filter. Processed with Registax6.
Related Links
21st Century Atlas charts 13 & 14.
Yesterday's LPOD: Squashing the Super Moon
Tomorrow's LPOD: Smack
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