September 24, 2011

Revision as of 21:22, 4 January 2015 by Api (talk | contribs)
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A Sliver in the Sea

image by " rel="nofollow Maximilian Teodorescu

This sequence depicts the Moon rising from the sea. The Black Sea actually. The nice thing is that the Moon, besides it's deep red color, exits the sea with a banana shape, with Clavius and Plato being the most distinctive craters, and not after struggling a little to break apart from the horizon. It seems that it leaved a little piece behind, that perhaps is now on the bottom of the Black Sea. In this manner, who knows when we'll be watching the rise of only a small corner of the Moon, with Plato being the only large crater on it's surface. And who knows when we'll be looking for the rest of the Moon on the bottom of the sea ? :) Nevertheless, a memorable moment, at least for me and the ones that were there with me!

" rel="nofollow Maximilian Teodorescu

Technical Details
August 21, 2011. The sequence starts at 20:26:01 U.T. and ends at 20:30:43 U.T. The setup used: ED 80mm refractor at F/7, Canon EOS 550D at ISO 800 and 2.5 second exposures.