June 12, 2007

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Seeing Double

images by Yuri Goryachko & Konstantin Morozov. Minsk, Belarus

Yuri writes: I have made these stereophotos using the natural libration of the Moon. Two pictures were taken on different days (March, 28th and on May, 26th, 2007) have been incorporated in one image. I hope, that the majority of astronomers will find red and dark blue optical filters for viewing these pictures.

Chuck writes: I’ve never been able to see stereo because of a weak eye. So I asked my wife, Vera, and son, Morgan, to look at the stereo images that Yuri sent and tell me what they see. Vera’s first comment was that she could see the curvature of the surface - it slopes away to the upper right. Morgan could see that the rim of Copernicus is high and its smooth floor was lower, with the central peaks being a little bit higher than the floor. He said that the surface went from high to low passing from Copernicus through the Carpathian Mountains on to Mare Imbum, with the mountain pass looking like a miniature Grand Canyon. But I can’t see anything but overlapping red and blue and my eyes are beginning to hurt… What do you see, and does the stereo help you interpret the surface?

Chuck Wood

PS: I think this is the first LPOD from Belarus!

Technical Details:
28 March 2007 and 26 May 2007. Telescope Meniscas (180/1800mm), Unibrain Fire-i 440 CMOS camera (IEEE-1394, 640×480 pixels, 30fps). Registax4, stitching in PTGui, finishing in Photoshop CS2. Chuck: I found a pair of red-blue stereo glasses in the back of the Kosofsky & El Baz book, The Moon as Viewed by Lunar Orbiter, NASA SP 200, 1970.

Related Links:
Rükl charts 20, 21, 31 & 32

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